A tribute to the 99ers: We are not invisible.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Too much at stake.

The funding of unemployment benefits is destined to crash. I am not referring to the various levels of extensions in place (until Nov. 30) due to the current recession.  I'm also not talking about TierV/S3706 vital to 99ers and continuing economic stability. According to Politico, the initial 26 weeks of unemployment benefits, funded in partnership by the US government and each state is going crash. Bipartisan cooperation is necessary to avert the pending crisis. Good luck to everyone.

Historically the  party in power after a Presidential election loses seats in both houses of Congress in the next midterm election. Less than two weeks from the November 2010 elections the narrative continues accordingly. Contrary opinion also exists. Neither supposition really matters.

The approaching unemployment funding catastrophe speaks to 99ers and not yet 99ers alike. Voting is the only way to be heard. Staying home indicates indifference. Voter disinterest breeds Congressional disdain which creates further disasters.  Anger and apathy are comforts I cannot afford. Voting is my only option.

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